Independent Hospital Pricing Authority
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code it! - ACCD Newsletter Vol 4, No 2, March 2017

Welcome to the sixth edition of our code it! Newsletter.


What's New

What's New in CLIP

New Coding Rules
New Coding Rules have been published in CLIP as at 15 March 2017, for implementation 1 April 2017. Click here to view them.

Updated Coding Rules

The Coding Rule Insertion of a leadless pacemaker has been updated to include transvenous pacemakers but remains under the original publication date of 15 Sep 2016. 

The Coding Rule Conditions described as secondary to or due to has been updated for clarity but remains under the original publication date of 15 June 2016.

Click here to view track changes.

AR-DRG V8.0 Definitions Manual Errata 2

Errata 2 (February 2017) for the AR-DRG Version 8.0 Definitions Manual is available for download (print errors in Volume 1 & 2 only) which can be downloaded here. 

Purchase of Products

The ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition Manuals, Electronic Code Lists (ECLs) and Mapping Tables as well as the AR-DRG V9.0 Definitions Manuals are now available for purchase. 

Please refer to the Ordering section below.

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Since our last update in December 2016, ACCD delivered the print-ready files for ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition hardcopy books to IHPA. The books have been printed and are available for purchase now.  See ordering details below.

A Summary of Tenth Edition Updates can be found on the ACCD website.

Development of Tenth Edition education is nearing completion. Please refer to the Education Update below for further details.

The Chronicle (a document of changes between all editions of ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS) will be released on 1 July 2017 in conjunction with the implementation of Tenth Edition.

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AR-DRG Update


AR-DRG Version 9.0 has been approved by the Pricing Authority, following review by the jurisdictions. The AR-DRG Version 9.0 - Final Report outlines the process undertaken to develop the new version and provides an overview of the changes. The final report will soon be available on the IHPA website and will be accessible via a link on the ACCD website.

Further information can be found on the AR-DRG V9.0 page.

Development of AR-DRG V9.0 education is nearing completion. Please refer to the Education Update below for further details. 


The education tutorial outlining the changes in Version 8.0, including the Episode Clinical Complexity (ECC) Model, continues to be available on the ACCD website. Further details are available in the Education section on the ACCD website.

Errata 2 (February 2017) for the AR-DRG Version 8.0 Definitions Manual is available for download (print errors in Volume 1 & 2 only). Click here to download the errata.


AR-DRG Version 8.0 Education Participant Evaluation Survey

In conjunction with the AR-DRG V8.0 Education tutorial provided on the ACCD website, participants have been asked to complete a short survey. The survey questions related to providing feedback on the education material, and also the specific areas of interest regarding AR-DRG education.  

The breakdown of the respondents’ roles were reported as follows:

Respondents roles breakdown overview

The ‘Other’ category included software support and healthcare systems analysts.

Survey results

  • Over 80% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the ACCD website was well presented and easy to navigate around.
  • Feedback was provided on the video tutorial as follows:
  • Comprehensive – 70% strongly agree or agree, with 23% neutral
  • Organised – 77% agree or strongly agree, with 14% neutral
  • Clear – 70% strongly agree or agree, with 20% neutral
  • Well-paced – 67% strongly agree or agree, with 24% neutral
  • The major AR-DRG topic of interest for further education selected by participants was The grouping process: how a DRG is assigned for an episode of care (89%), followed by Activity based funding and DRG classification (82%), The AR-DRG classification development process (39%) and Overview and history of DRG classification in Australia (35%).
  • The majority of participants were registered on the ACCD Classification Information Portal (CLIP) (88%), which is the web-based information system where public submissions can be viewed and made, ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Coding Rules can be viewed, and your contact details can be maintained to ensure you receive correspondence from ACCD (including the code it! newsletter).

Thank you to the survey participants for providing this feedback.

Suggested Resources

In response to the feedback regarding education on AR-DRGs, ACCD advises that the IHPA website ( includes numerous publications and reports, as well as conference presentations and education tools. Another available resource is the AR-DRG Definitions Manual which includes background about the classification and detail about the grouping process. 

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Education Update

ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition Education

From 1 July 2017, ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition will be implemented nationally. In order to familiarise clinical coders and other users with the updates to the classification, an education program will be offered from May 2017. 

Major areas of change include: 

  • Obstetrics
  • Procedural complications
  • Ophthalmology
  • Same-day endoscopy
  • Chronic Pain
  • Mental health interventions
  • Type 1 and Type 2 Excludes notes
  • Thrombolytic therapy


Education Program

Education material for ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition will be delivered online and will be free of charge. Face-to-face workshops will not be provided. When the online education material is released, ACCD will email all CLIP registrants advising the correct website address to use.

The following documents will be provided:

Reference to Changes Book - a downloadable PDF document detailing all updates made from Ninth to Tenth Edition.
Tutorial videos - accessible online, focusing on a selection of major updates (with accompanying presentation slides as downloadable PDF documents) will be released through the ACCD website.
Coding Exercise Workbook - contains exercises related to major updates as a downloadable PDF document.


Participation Certificate

To receive a participation certificate, users will need to follow the link to log in to CLIP and complete a short challenge quiz.

To ensure a smooth delivery process, users will need to ensure that CLIP registration details and passwords are correct in advance of completing the quiz, and that the email address is accurate. Please also let colleagues know that CLIP registration will be necessary to receive a participation certificate.

Following completion of the online education, it would be appreciated if users complete the participant evaluation survey. Feedback is essential in helping refine and improve the online educational experience in the future.

There will also be an opportunity to submit questions about the Tenth Edition updates. While individual responses will not be provided, these questions will inform the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to be published after the implementation of Tenth Edition.

We are also planning to present a post Tenth Edition implementation education session (informed by the FAQs) at the upcoming HIMAA-NCCH Conference.


AR-DRG V9.0 Education 

An education tutorial outlining the changes in AR-DRG Version 9.0 will be available on the ACCD website. ACCD will email all CLIP registrants advising when the tutorial is available.

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Upcoming Events

IHPA ABF and PCSI (Patient Classification Systems International) Conference 2017

Sydney, 9-13 October 2017
Hilton Hotel
Watch this space


HIMAA NCCH Conference 2017

Cairns, 1-3 November 2017
Pullmann Cairns International
Watch this space


Professional development

For further professional development opportunities and ongoing education please refer to: (What’s New)  

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Ordering ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS and AR-DRG Related Products

The Tenth Edition ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS hard copy books, Electronic Code Lists (ECLs) and Mapping Tables as well as AR-DRG V9.0 Definition manuals

are now available for purchase from the IHPA Sales website.

Please also refer to the IHPA AR-DRG Classification System Product Sales Frequently Asked Questions Sales website.

The Ninth Edition ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS hard copy books, Electronic Code Lists (ECLs), Mapping Tables and AR-DRG Version 8.0 Definitions Manual continue to be available for purchase from the IHPA Sales website.

Fundamentals of Morbidity Coding

The NCCH will release a Tenth Edition revision of the Fundamentals of Morbidity Coding later this year. This book provides a useful reference for clinical coder trainees or those returning to the coding work force who wish to re-familiarise themselves with coding basics.

In the meantime, the Ninth and Eighth revision of the Fundamentals of Morbidity Coding continue to be available for purchase.

ICPC-2 PLUS License

If you are developing a software program, either for clinical or research purposes, and would like to consider using the ICPC-2 PLUS terminology, see the Developers section of the NCCH website.

If you are purchasing an EHR system that incorporates ICPC-2 PLUS and would like to use it for coding your health information, see the End Users section of the NCCH website

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