Education Update
ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition Education
From 1 July 2017, ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition will be implemented nationally. In order to familiarise
clinical coders and other users with the updates to the
classification, an education program
will be offered from May 2017.
Major areas of change include:
- Obstetrics
- Procedural complications
- Ophthalmology
- Same-day endoscopy
- Chronic Pain
- Mental health interventions
- Type 1 and Type 2 Excludes notes
- Thrombolytic therapy
Education Program
Education material for
ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS Tenth Edition will be delivered online and will be
free of charge. Face-to-face workshops will not be provided.
the online education material is
released, ACCD will email all CLIP registrants advising the correct
website address to use.
The following documents will be provided:
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Reference to Changes Book - a
downloadable PDF document detailing all updates made from Ninth to Tenth Edition.
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Tutorial videos - accessible
online, focusing on a selection of major updates (with accompanying
presentation slides as downloadable PDF documents) will be released through the ACCD website. |
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Coding Exercise Workbook -
contains exercises related to major updates as a downloadable PDF
Participation Certificate
To receive a participation certificate, users will need to follow the link to log in to CLIP and complete a short
challenge quiz.
To ensure a smooth delivery process, users
will need to ensure that CLIP
registration details and passwords are correct in advance of completing
the quiz, and that the email address is accurate. Please also let
colleagues know that CLIP registration
will be necessary to receive a participation certificate.
Following completion of the online
education, it would be appreciated if users complete the participant
evaluation survey. Feedback is essential in helping refine and improve
the online educational experience in the
There will also be an opportunity to
submit questions about the Tenth Edition updates. While individual
responses will not be provided, these questions will inform the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to be
published after the implementation of Tenth Edition.
We are also planning to present a post Tenth Edition implementation education session (informed by the FAQs) at
the upcoming HIMAA-NCCH Conference.
AR-DRG V9.0 Education
An education tutorial outlining the changes in AR-DRG Version 9.0 will be available on the ACCD website. ACCD will email all CLIP registrants advising when the tutorial is available.
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